Dear Mr. Doug Keck,

EWTN is a light in the world! Thank God for this miracle! EWTN has been instrumental in my deeper conversion into Christianity. Every program is amazing… well, almost every program. I have the utmost respect for you! EWTN is 99% good. This letter is meant to address that 1%, which in my view has the effects of a rotten apple.

“Whenever Moses held up his hand, Israel prevailed; and whenever he lowered his hand, Amalek prevailed. But Moses’ hands grew weary; so they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat upon it, and Aaron and Hur held up his hands, one on one side, and the other on the other side; so his hands were steady until the going down of the sun.” (Exodus 17:11-12)

We must do this for our priests… hold up their hands, not pull them down. By our SUPPORT AND PRAYERS, they remain sufficiently strong to serve as our amazing priests by celebrating Mass, hearing our confessions, and bringing Jesus to us in the Holy Eucharist.

So… Why does EWTN allow programs to constantly lead the way on beating up the priest (bishop, cardinal, or Pope)? It’s as if we are listening in by the confessional. Aren’t we advised to pray for our priests? The news is the only horrible program on EWTN. It is a forum to perpetually slander the priest by giving the “news addicts” food for their sick addiction. I understand Pope Francis is no JP2 or Benedict XVI; but God has His reasons. God is the one who ordains whatever pope we get! I think God knows better than we do. Though we might not understand, I say we instead pray for the priest. We must not gossip about the priest; and, unless heretical, we must not speak at nauseum how much we dislike him. An ordinary Catholic can be greatly moved by a great priest; a holy Catholic can be moved by even one who is not so great. Each evening we can count on “the news” to expose yet another sinning priest. As such, the priest must find it extremely challenging to remain steadfast in his vows, due to the constant reminder from “the news” about how horrible they all are. Men who have a calling might be easily dissuaded. Nearly every EWTN program is evangelizing. In fact, I introduced a Muslim to Christianity. He watches many EWTN programs including his favorite – Fr. Spitzer’s Universe. He was Baptized last year, is no longer living in sin, and becoming a great Catholic. Just a thought: a.) How likely is a non-Catholic viewer of EWTN news to convert into the Catholic Church? b.) How likely is a Catholic viewer of EWTN news to leave the Catholic Church? I say let CNN, FOX, or FB commit slander and libel against us… NOT OUR PRECIOUS EWTN! We are one body. We all sin. I don’t live in sin, but I have lots of ugly Pride. I’m a sinner. We get it!!! … that there is corruption and priests that stray; but come on… can “the news” give it a rest? Perhaps I should write down all the incidents of my sinful past – and of my neighbor – and mail it to the EWTN news. Does not the commandment “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor” deeply address this?

Thank you EWTN for being such a great light. I just wish this one issue would be addressed.
God bless you for all the good that you do!

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