Everyone, you all need God in your life. Many of you have been raised with good moral upbringing. However, while growing up, we seem to forget that we always need to follow God.

While growing up in the adult word, the lures of temptation overpower many of us. Anything that sounds exciting or forbidding is attractive due to our inherent original sin in all of us. We sin over and over without thinking of the dire consequences. Our world has become less spiritual. We want what spirituality has to offer, but we think we can get it through other means. As most of you find out after many acts of achieving worldly pleasure, the satisfaction is short-lived and hollow. The road to spirituality is not attractive, because it requires sacrificing your desires. That’s what the modern world preaches. Having fun and spending your life pursuing pleasure. Indeed, the secular world preaches us to be selfish and less on loving others. This is in contrast with what God wants us to do.

Break free of slavery from this world of selfishness. Make an effort to read about God and become closer to him. Make time for him every day. He wants all of us to be with him. We are not innocent and have accumulated many sins over the years.  However, God will absolve your sins and guide you with his grace. He doesn’t approve of sins, but he will forgive us and let us continue our lives with virtue. We do not know when our time is up. We should approach God and accept his invitation to Salvation.

Everyone, check yourself. How are you leading your life? If you are in a situation where you don’t feel you are living a virtuous life, do not despair. You have to remove your pride and ego. Humble yourself. God can work with people who are humble. Pray for his guidance and strength.

Follow the one who made you and knows everything about you. He is benevolent and merciful. It’s so wonderful to know that he is Good and loves us so dearly. He is everyone’s father. You are not alone.

If you struggle with combating your demons, you’ll need to fill yourself with the holy spirit. Make an effort to know more about God and his teachings. Read the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Ensure that you follow your heart in terms of discerning whether the literature you are reading or hearing makes sense in terms of your moral compass. If it doesn’t sound right, it probably isn’t. Faith shouldn’t be compromised. The road is hard. We have been overly brainwashed in the secular world. We have been desensitized so much that we have trouble discerning right from wrong. There is a lot of acceptance of immoral behavior. The secular world pushes a narcissistic agenda. It’s more about self than others. We are borrowing our bodies from God. It is misuse of God’s creation when we sin. What we say is freedom is really misunderstood by most. People think doing what you want is freedom. On the contrary, you imprison yourself when you do what you want. Living with sin is a trip to hell. That’s not freedom. Live according to God’s principles and you are promised an eternal life in the kingdom of heaven.

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