We want you all to be very close to God. You have no idea how important this is. When you are young, you are carefree and do not think of what is wrong and right. The world as it is, doesn’t have God in the culture. In fact, they try to dispel any wisdom that God has brought to us. There will be a strong negative influence while growing up in the secular culture. People will tell you to do things that feel good and think of yourself more than others. Selfishness is cool according this society. God intends you to be as unselfish as possible. You should be humble and think of the good of others. While you do this, you will do good to yourself. Being virtuous is your goal in life. Feeling good with worldly experience will never fill the void in you heart. You’ll never be fully satisfied until you bring God inside your heart. You have a large cavern that can never be filled to satisfy you with the things that the world has to offer.
You’ll need to conduct yourself modestly. You shouldn’t dress provocatively. You should respect yourself and not warrant undignified attention to yourself. Original sin is in all of us. We have an inherent tendency to indulge ourselves with pleasure. Restraint is very important. By denying your urges for pleasure, you’ll become more virtuous. You can be stronger in staying away from sinful activities. You should spend time with our Lord in front of the Holy Eucharist and adore him on a regular basis. Pray everyday. God will help you in cultivating a holy lifestyle. What others might consider boring and not pleasing, are the most important things in your lives. We should strive to be holy. Your objective in life is to go to heaven. Put God before anyone else.