1. Immediate Gratification (Don’t do this)

Source:                 Brain and sensory faculties.

Satisfaction:       Food, drink, shelter, affection, procreation, and material satisfaction – clothes, house, car, jewelry, and other material goods.

Problem:              Superficial, profound emptiness, reduces self to merely material.

2. Ego Comparative Happiness (Don’t do this)

Source: Self-consciousness, trying to bring the outer-world under the influence or dominion of the inner world (ego world).

Satisfaction:       Comparitive advantage in achievement, status, popularity, intelligence, perceived intelligence, power, control, and winning.

Problem:              Does not address the contributive; a profound emptiness, and negative emotions of the comparison game.

3. Good Beyond Self – Contributive-Empathetic

Source:                 Self-consciousness, empathy, and conscience creating a desire to make an optimal positive difference to the world beyond myself.

Satisfaction:       Contributing through actions and empathy to family, friends, organization, stake holders of organization, community, church, kingdom of God, culture, and society.

Problem:              Does not deal with the five transcendental desires and the yearning for the sacred.

4. Ultimate Good – Transcendence

Source:                 Transcendental awareness of and desire for the sacred, and spiritual as well as perfect and unconditional truth, love, justice, goodness, beauty, & being home.

Satisfaction:       Openness to a transcendental power who is perfect and unconditional truth, love, justice, goodness, beauty, & being-home.

Problem: Not maintaining life of prayer and moral-heightened spiritual connection.

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