When speaking with others about religion or any subject, it is key to refrain from having an attitude of being right. You may love the Lord and are willing to defend his messages from scripture, but our conduct as Christians should be gentle, filled with kindness to people we are speaking with. We shouldn’t get personal with each other. The argument should be objective and not go off in a tangent to an attack on the other person. Many people use an approach of what is called a “Straw Man”. This is to use something that is weak in the other person’s argument and use it against them to reduce the validity of future points in their argument. This style is not very loving in nature and contrary to our beliefs. The recommended style is to use an opposite “Steel Man” technique. You should bring out something that the other person has said that was strong and explain it in your words to communicate to them that you respected their viewpoint even though you may not agree with it. It’s important to not make the other person feel like they are in a fight. When that happens, the argument turns into a malicious discourse. We should all be gentlemen/women who show dignity to ourselves and others. Unfortunately, the world right now likes the “fighting” style and that is a disgrace.