Dear Mr. Doug Keck, EWTN is a light in the world! Thank God for this miracle! EWTN has been instrumental in my deeper conversion into Christianity. Every program is amazing… well, almost every program. I have the utmost respect for you! EWTN is 99% good. This letter is meant to address that 1%, which in […]
Read more The Priest
How should I respond when a fellow Catholic tells me that the pope is changing doctrine? I will admit, initially I struggled to accept Pope Francis because of my perception of his being liberal. Then, I decided I would listen to him speak with an objective mind while trying to understand what positive concepts he […]
Everyone, Your life is not about you. You are here to serve the Lord. I know this sounds totally contrary to the current beliefs of this world we live in. Seriously, what’s the point of doing what you want if it doesn’t give you salvation? The Lord always says that you need to do his […]
Read more It’s not about you.
When speaking with others about religion or any subject, it is key to refrain from having an attitude of being right. You may love the Lord and are willing to defend his messages from scripture, but our conduct as Christians should be gentle, filled with kindness to people we are speaking with. We shouldn’t get […]
Read more Arguments
Brilliant, Powerful, Almighty God sent us Himself in the form of a man. Jesus Christ established a Church when He gave Simon Peter “the keys”. Saint Peter was ordained the first priest and pope. Each apostle was also a priest or bishop. Every man who was ordained a priest by the successors of the apostles […]
Read more God Feeds us Grace Thru Sacraments for Journey to Heaven
1. Immediate Gratification (Don’t do this) Source: Brain and sensory faculties. Satisfaction: Food, drink, shelter, affection, procreation, and material satisfaction – clothes, house, car, jewelry, and other material goods. Problem: Superficial, profound emptiness, reduces self to merely material. 2. Ego Comparative Happiness (Don’t do this) Source: Self-consciousness, trying to bring the outer-world […]
Read more Four Levels of Happiness (Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJ)
“Creator of all things, true source of light and wisdom, lofty origin of all being, graciously let a ray of your brilliance penetrate into the darkness of my understanding and take from me the double darkness in which I have been born, an obscurity of both sin and ignorance. Give me a sharp sense of […]
Read more Prayer Before Study
…willing the good of the other for the other. Love is not an emotion or feeling. Love is the unselfish giving without expectation. Find opportunities to demonstrate this. Every day, look at what you can do for someone you care for by helping them. For that matter, this applies to everyone, even for people that […]
Read more Love is…
Thus says the LORD:Cursed is the man who trusts in human beings,who seeks his strength in flesh,whose heart turns away from the LORD.He is like a barren bush in the desertthat enjoys no change of season,But stands in a lava waste,a salt and empty earth.Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD,whose hope is […]
Read more Trust in the Lord.
After you die without any mortal sins and you reach Purgatory, your entrance into heaven is based upon what state your final behavior or personality is in. All your faults, such as anger, judgement on others, lack of forgiveness to others, ingratitude, spitefulness, etc. need to be removed. In other words, your holiness depends on […]
Read more Judgement day.